The liblzma (.xz) backdoor.

In the past few weeks, a few vulnerabilities were found in projects related to the Linux ecosystem, but what shook the world was an actual backdoor that was found in the xz-utils package. Description of the backdoor This backdoor was found by Microsoft employee Andres Freund in a very impressive…

Ways to allow unprivileged services to access privileged ones.

As a Linux System Administrator, you may need some kind of process that you are running to access or interact with privileged processes. Using su to run such a process means the user must know the root password, which is not the best practice. For this exact purpose, many tools…

runc privilege escalation

As promised in the last post, we have a new Linux-related blogpost. Kinda. What is runc? runc is a command line tool which allows you to spawn and interact with containers. This tool was created by and in accordance with OCI(Open Container Initiative) specifications. runc isn't intended to be…

Creating an Anisette server.

As promised in the last post, we are going to create a custom Anisette server. For this, we are going to use a freshly created VPS with Ubuntu installed. Installing Docker & Docker-Compose First of all, do not install the snap version of Docker that comes with the default repos of…

Sideloading on iOS sucks.

To start off, let's explain what sideloading is. Sideloading is the process of installing a custom app through other means other than the official ways. By custom app, it refers to internal or development builds to installed with the help of a computer. This term is most widely used in…